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Quality service without the hassle.

Let Green Hill maintain your lawn

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Lawn Mowing Services

Our Grass Cut Service options are from your typical grass cut to the maintenance of the flowerbeds during your mowing service, at the cost of other's typical mowing charge.

Bi-Weekly Mow


Starting @ per cut

Duplex/Single Family Home 

Mowing every other week  

Neutral Visibility of Stripes

Trimming of sidewalks

Weekly Mow


Starting @ per cut

Duplex/Single Family Home

Mowing of lawn each week

Diamond-shaped stripes

Trimming of sidewalks

Mow & Flowerbed Maintenance 


Starting @ Per Cut

Duplex/Single Family Home

Mowing of lawn and flowerbeds kept weed-free each week

Diamond-shaped stripes

Trimming of sidewalks

Sidewalk edges defined

Flower beds kept weed-free 

Be the spotlight on the block

What our customers are saying

I have had Green Hill Landscaping maintaining and improving my company properties in Plano. Both of them went from lawn mowed to sculptured landscapes. The best curb appeal I have ever seen on these properties. Green Hill has talent for taking what is there and making it beautiful...

Paul McCrimmon - Destination Properties LLC

Weekly Grass Cut Services Perks

Savings on Services

-Save on Spring & Fall Clean Ups as well as Mulch or Rock Installation. 

Referral Discounts

-Receive Discounts per Referral to our Weekly Service.

Free Grass Cut

-Receive a FREE Grass Cut to start off the season. 

Schedule Flexibility

-Option to Rotate to Bi-weekly Grass cuts during dry season. 

Our Mission

Green Hill Landscaping combines Art with Landscaping in order to construct a flawless outcome that will compliment more than just your property. Our mission is to provide you a service above the competition. We emphasize on detail and delivering a product that exceeds your expectations. Our priority is you.

Switch to Green and save on more than just your grass cuts! Landscaping services such as Mulch, Plant install and Patios can be more affordable with our Grass Cut services. Its time to be the spotlight on the block without the high cost!

Green Hill Landscaping LLC

(312) - 568 - 9116

Servicing Kane, Kendall, Will and surrounding counties

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